You have a Task

We support you with all tasks which can be solved with databases.


Gather, manage, process and release of data among all industial and economical environments.


We are specialized for solutions with Microsoft products. We work with all Microsoft operating systems and products for data storage. Notably Microsoft SQL-Server and Microsoft Visual FoxPro.


We created programms for asset management in the industrial sector, drawing management with certified workflow and programms supporting the working process with handing over control information to machines via defined interfaces.


But also tasks out of the trading sector of invoicing over marketing support up to evaluation for the management.


Together we work out the solution you need to improve.


Time to market is an important aspect but product quality is just as important to remain on the market. Product quality has always to do with data quality.


Only high quality, fast available and easy gatherd data bring your product the advantage it needs to be ahead.


Get this advantage.


Talk to us. We look forward to the conversation with you.